Leadership and Teaming Small differences
Download working paper hbs faculty Publication Files f cf de c a ee pdf CASES COURSE MATERIALS HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL CASE Ukraine On the Border of Europe and Eurasia In the fall of the people of Ukraine disagreed passionately whether their country should intensify ties with the European Union or Russia. After President Yanukovych rejected the free trade agreement with the EU in November thousands of Ukrainians peacefully protested. But the protest movement morphed into a violent deadly confrontation in January culminating in February in mass slaughter an overthrow of government foreign invasion and international crisis.
The four months that shook Ukraine is a case study on the interrelated problems of geopolitical struggle politics of economic pacts and clash of regional economic blocks post imperial disintegration and trade and identity and interdependence. Purchase this case hbr product ukraine on the border of europe and eurasia an PDF ENG HARVARD BUSINESS Chinese Overseas America Number Data SCHOOL CASE n the leadership of teams can have large consequences for the success of their efforts. Many initiatives fail not because of a fatal error in judgment or insufficient ideas knowledge motivation or capabilities to deliver a solution. They fail because as is so often heard we needed to be more of a team to succeed we weren t a sufficiently high performing team or our team suffered from a lack of leadership. In a world where most problems faced by organizations are too complex for a single individual to tackle alone leadership frequently involves designing launching and managing teams. And yet teams are fickle.
A Paper Information Full Working Paper Text pdf Teaching The Deal by Dina Gerdeman In his Negotiation and Deals courses Kevin Mohan uses his VC experience to teach students that showing emotion asking questions and understanding your own strengths and weaknesses can be key to a successful agreement. It s best to be nice when negotiating a business deal but it s also OK to be aggressive in pursuing your interests—as long as you back up your position with facts. |